I was looking in FamilySearch.org today for information on my biological Father Wilfred Edward Page. I found him in a 1930 US Federal Census living in Saginaw, Saginaw, Michigan. FamilySearch.org doesn't have an image to look at but I copied the information for each person that was living in the household. I paraphrased it so I could remember the relation to head of house.
1930 United States Census
73-45 Sheet 1A Saginaw City Ward 13, Saginaw, Michigan
Family Number: 1 In the Household:
2) Tom Brady, Male, white, Head of House, Married, b. 1878, Age 52, Born in Michigan, Father was born in Canada, Mother was born in New York.
3) Minnie A. Brady, Female, white, Married to Tom Brady, b. 1871, Age 59, Born in Michigan, Father was born in New York, Mother was born in Michigan.
4) Truman F. Brady, Male, White, Single, Adopted son of Tom Brady, b. 1919, Age 11, Born in Washington, Father was born in Indiana, Mother was born in Michigan.
5) Edward Page, Male, white, Married to Gladys, b. 1901, Age 29, Nephew of Tom and Minnie Brady, born in Michigan, Father born in New York, Mother born in Ohio.
6) Gladys Page, Female, White, Married to Edward Page, b. 1911, Age 19, Niece of Tom and Minnie Brady, Born in Michigan, Father was born in Michigan, Mother was born in Michigan.
7) Wilfred Page, [transcribed as] Female, White, Single, [Transcribed as] Grand-Niece of Tom and Minnie Brady, b. 1928, Age 2, Born in Michigan, Father born in Michigan, Mother born in Michigan.
8) Donna Page, Female, White, Single, Grand-Niece of Tom & Minnie Brady, b. 1929, Age 1, Born in Michigan, Father was born in Michigan, Mother was born in Michigan.
National Archives and Records Administration, T626, Roll 1022, Film Number: 2340757, Digital Folder Number: 4609262, Image Number: 00598.
Tom Brady must be Gladys Page's Father's brother. I'm pretty sure this is the right family. My Mom can't remember Edward and Gladys having a daughter named Donna.
I haven't been able to find his birth record yet or death record. But I did find his Social Security Number and Birth and Death information from that.
Name: Wilfred E. Page
Birth Date: 8 November 1927
Social Security Number: 386-24-2544
Place of Issuance: Michigan
Last Residence: Rose City, Ogemaw, Michigan
Zip Code of Last Residence: 48654
Death Date: 6 March 1993
Estimated Age at Death: 66
FamilySearch.org (pilot), Collection: U.S. Social Security Death Index.

I know he was serving our country in 1953 in Germany.
I know my Mom and Dad were married Nov 12. But my Mom can't remember if it was 1949 for sure. Maybe when I get down to her house in July she will have a copy of her marriage and divorce papers.
They were divorced I think while he was still in the service because I seem to recall my Mom saying she received Child Support from him when he was in the service but once he got out she didn't see any child support.
He married a woman by the name of Patricia. I believe they had 5 children. I know one girls name is Alvona. I think there was 2 boys and 3 girls but I'm not sure. My sister and I spent a few days at their home in Clio, Michigan in 1970 shortly after I graduated from High School. They took us up north to their place in Rose City, Michigan for a couple of days but it rained most of the time we were up there, so they brought us home.
I have been trying to find an obituary for him which I'm pretty sure would have been published in The Flint Journal in Flint, Michigan. I'm not sure if he is buried in the Clio-Flint area or up north in Rose City area. I do not know for sure what he died of, but I think my sister told me he had a heart attack.